Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My First Official Post is a RANT.

So I never, ever thought about health care as a child. It was something I tried to avoid and my parents paid for and took care of making sure I got. Then as an adult, once I had children, I was either medicaid eligible or had insurance through work. So again, if I needed healthcare, I was able to get it.

In recent years, as a social work student, I became interested in the topic of health care, as far as a topic for presentations and research essays, as I discovered that not everyone in America had it so easy. I became a proponent for universal healthcare, right along with Michael Moore and President Obama.

I know, I know ... people say that Obamacare is so bad, but in my opinion, it really should be HouseandSenatecare because they are the ones who f---d up his initial policy as it was set out. And that is all I will say about that.

But okay, meantime ... here it is. I personally do not have healthcare insurance and I pay out of pocket for it when I get scared or something that herbal/home remedies won't cure. That wouldn't be so bad, since I am fairly healthy in general, but ...

I have a daughter who has TWO TYPES of insurance (one of which her grandmother pays a hefty amount for monthly, might I add), and diagnoses of severe eating disorder/struggles with mental health/physical issues that are all possibly mortally dangerous for her.

This has been ongoing with insurance for a long time, and I am only speaking right now of the last couple of months.  Ali had been sent to residential treatment after a relapse brought on by a PTSD disassociative episode in which she cut herself several times and should have received stitches. After being there around 6 weeks and starting to stabilize, but still in no way ready to leave, Ali was informed that there were issues with insurance coverage and she would have to discharge from the facility until it was straightened out.

This happened over 3 weeks ago. She went from daily treatment for 9 months to absolutely no type of treatment. Needless to say, I am feeling desperate and hopeless at times myself, so I can only imagine how hard it is for her to keep going forward at this point.

NOTE: I have nothing against any individual who is working within the healthcare field. Hell, I work in it myself. I understand that clinical staff does the best they can with what they are given. My daughter has had amazing care when she was receiving it. 

 What I do have issue with is the United States healthcare "system" that has failed so many people, my family included.

However, at least we are not socialist. Hooray for that.

I see how people fall through the cracks. I feel as if my daughter is slowly falling through one, and I am being pulled through it with her. I do not understand from a moral and humanity standpoint but I do understand it from a financial standpoint. I just know that I need to get the word out that this is not right. Human lives being sacrificed for the almighty dollar is not right.


  1. What I do have issue with is the United States healthcare "system" that has failed so many people, my family included.

    That statement right there is probably why my own mental health issues and eating disorders frequently spiral out of control because my health care is not consistent due to these mind boggling changes.

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