Sunday, April 24, 2016

Millennial Happenings

As mentioned, I have always battled my weight, and have always had a love/hate relationship with food. Looking back, I see how this ran in my family, with my Grandmother speaking of "sinning" when she ate certain foods, and Mother also struggling to lose weight and keep it off.

As I look back at teenage Ali, caught shoplifting and sitting on a bench looking so waif-like, her big blue eyes glaring at me from a pale, drawn face, I see the skinny person who was inside of me, struggling to come out. I realized in that moment how thin she had gotten, and I made mention of this fact to her. As with many observations I have made to her, about her, she shook her head and shrugged off my concern.

Later, when I had ironically lost 80 pounds, in 2008, and she had put on weight because she was with Henry and living what appeared to be a "normal life," we were able to share clothes. For about a year, and then she began to lose again, and I began to gain. For that one year though... things felt in sync. To me, anyway.

I do not mean to imply that Ali's teen and young adult years were miserable for us both. Certainly we had our good moments, and we always knew how to make one another laugh. There is no doubt though, there were struggles. Many times these were the plain and simple result of the two of us being so different.

After years of feeling oppressed and shut down, I was ready to spread my wings and fly, being open and free. However, Ali made it known that many of the things that made "me" me, needed to be hidden in order to respect her comfort level. This mainly centered around my belief in magic and my bisexuality. I distinctly remember having to remove my sexual orientation from my first Myspace way page back in ... oh, 2004 or 2005.

The same held true for politics. I hail from a liberal, progressive background myself and still hold these sort of views. Although Ali did not become more outspoken politically until more recent years, she still made it clear that this was not a discussion she wished to engage in. While she was not yet an announced Christian, she still had respect for my right to engage in alternative spiritual practices, she encouraged me to be discreet about it at the same time. So at least around my daughter and her friends and their families, I was underground.

I guess I funneled a lot of my frustration and desire to be free with myself into online "personas" ... and this was during the early to mid 2000s so there was a lot of new unexplored online territory. My being on the computer so much, between being a college student and conducting part of my social life online, probably helped distance myself even more from Ali and what she was going through at the time.

Once Ali came out of the closet and no longer lived right next door, with Henry, but with her new partner, our relationship changed again. Once more, I did not see her that much, and when I did, there was usually a reason. As I look back, I see that she lost weight once again very quickly. I attributed this to her being with a more slender partner, and perhaps money for food being leaner than it had been when she was more enmeshed in my life.

But yes, looking back she did lose the weight very quickly, in a matter of months. And has never been overweight again. It is true, she has achieved that thing that I always longed for but never attained, long-term, But she has suffered, oh how she has suffered in the quest, the drive, the addiction, to being thin. The price she has paid, has it been worth it for her? Only she could tell you that. I do know that I believed, at the point her severe health problems began, that she had HAD an eating disorder as a teen, and was now struggling to be healthy, while fighting digestive, emotional, and mental hurdles that resulted in irrevocable consequences.


  1. I admire you both for your honesty and the willingness to wrote your blogs. They encourage me so much. Thank you for blessing me with your journey.

    1. Thank you kiddo!!! Good to see you here! :)
      It is not easy to be doing this, I admit. But at the same time, I feel like it needs to be said. And so here we are.
      Thanks for the support. <3
